When creating or editing LibGuides, please avoid adding video (media or widgets) in rich text/html. Here are some reasons why adding a video as a media/widget asset is a much better choice:
- The media/widget asset will validate code before you insert it into a page to spot things that could break your page, like unclosed tags or calls to jQuery for example.
- Putting bad outside code into a rich text box can "break" your page, making it impossible to edit, find, and remove that bad code. When this happens, we have to submit a support ticket so that Springshare can make your guide editable again.
- Like all assets (book, link, database), you can easily reuse a media/widget asset across guides for consistency.
- If your media/widget asset stops working (the source video gets removed, edited, etc.), it is much easier to delete or edit the widget code.
The directions below were adapted from Springshare.