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Course Research Guides

Parenting within a Cultural Tradition

For those students working on the Parenting within a Cultural Tradition project, welcome to this helpful reference guide! 

Here you'll find: 

  • Brainstorming with mindmaps 

  • Help with annotated bibliographies

  • Suggestions on finding scholarly research

  • Tech recommendations for interviews

Finding background information


Brainstorming: Mind Maps

What are "mind maps"?

A mind map is an organic plan that does not require strict structure to help you take everything you know about a topic and put it onto a visual diagram in front of you. The information you might jot down can be what you already know about the topic through the news, social media, conversations with friends and colleagues, and previous classes you have taken. Mind maps are especially helpful to narrow down or mold your topic into something more specific (ex: "Asian parenting styles" to "parent-child relationships and their links to academic performance among Chinese Immigrant families").

Mind Maps can also help you think of useful keywords to type in the search bar when looking for articles on Google Scholar, library databases, etc. Keywords can be anything such as:

  • Organizations (ex: CDC, National Head Start Association)
  • Groups of people (ex: LGBTQ+ teens, infants, parents, high school dropout)
  • Key people (ex: Maria Montessori, Erik Erikson)
  • Locations (a specific region of the U.S.? Is it an international program or in the U.S?)
  • Dates (Any important dates that relate to your topic)
  • Specialized Keywords (Any terms that are mainly used in your subfield or topic, not common terms)

You can make a mind map on anything, like an online app (Word) or on a piece of paper, it doesn't have to look perfect!

What should you do if you are hitting a wall in the idea phase?

If you're working with families from cultures you're unfamiliar with, it will be helpful to have additional background information on their culture or ethnicity. Understanding different cultures allow us to widen our worldview and have more empathy for the families we work with.

PLEASE NOTE that these sites are best used in the brainstorming phase and rarely ever used to in-text cite or have in your references page. 

Searching for Scholarly Sources

Check out to following popular databases to start your search and find full-text scholarly articles. Visit our Tips and Tutorials page for more help on navigating these sites, or contact us. 

Especially if you're conducting a search using Google Scholar or another search engine, use the SIFT method from Michael Caulfield to better analyze the article. 




Watch this video on how to use the SIFT method when searching for sources online

Annotated Bibliographies

What is an annotated bibliography?

An annotated bibliography is a list of your references with an additional paragraph that describes the value, application, and relevance of the source to your paper. These short annotations help you and your reader better understand how each of the selected references supports your discussion of childrearing in various cultures.

For more help, check out the Academic Success Center tools on their website! They offer various resources, including help with writing academic papers and creating annotated bibliographies

You can also explore the Purdue Online Writing Lab's website, which includes APA formatting and sample annotations. 

Zotero - Citation and Management Tool

Did you know there is a FREE online tool that helps you collect, manage, and cite all of your research? Zotero can assist you in creating in-text citations, annotated bibliographies, and more. Check out our Zotero page to learn about how to download and use this software on your devices.  

Tech Recommendations

Here are a few recommended apps for recording and transcribing your interviews. Some are free and some require purchase, so please be sure to select the app that works best for you and your project. 

Microsoft Stream is available through your free Erikson Office 365 account and can be a great option for recording video, audio, and an auto-transcription. Please note, the generated captions will not be perfect and will require a bit of editing on your part. You can either log in with your Erikson email address and password on the Microsoft site or access it through the Office 365 portal.