Service Alert
Together with our colleagues in the Instructional Design and Development team, the Library works in partnership with instructional Faculty to facilitate access to curricular resources in all courses, chiefly through the Canvas platform.
Due Dates & Links: When and where to submit your syllabi, required texts, etc.
Course Readings: All things course readings: required, textbook, recommended, or available for free online
Assessment Kits: Guidance for using assessments and measurements in your courses
Media & Streaming Media: Tips for successfully using streaming or physical media (DVDs) in your on-campus or online course.
Canvas Course Checklist: Setting up the basics, Setting up Modules, Navigating Canvas
Course Prep Checklist (PDF): A checklist to make sure you have everything set before the semester begins.
Inclusive Pedagogy Toolkit: This guide was created by the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) with information on inclusive pedagogy, tools for addressing anti-racism in instruction, and sample lessons and tutorials.
Course Prep Checklist (Interactive)