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Faculty & Staff

How to Laminate

laminator photoYes, the rumors are true, the library has a laminating machine! We can laminate almost anything that is flat that has a maximum width of 24”.   

Ground rules: 
  • You may not use the laminating machine by yourself, until such time that you laminate so many things that you become a Certified Laminator.  Misuse can cause damage.
  • The machine is 24” wide and the cost is $1 per foot.  The amount you laminate will be charged to a departmental account or student account.  If you cannot charge to a student or departmental account, contact us so we can try to accommodate you. 
To laminate: 
  • The laminator takes 20 minutes to heat up, and you need to make a reservation in advance.  
  • Send an email to to let us know the following:
  1. Your name
  2. If you are laminating for a department, which one
  3. If you are sending someone else to do the laminating, their name.  Please make sure the Designated Laminator knows the process. 
  4. Your desired time for laminating.  Please note: the machine takes 20 minutes to heat up.  We cannot turn the machine on until we open, so please check the library website for current hours. 
  5. The department code to which you intend to charge the laminating costs. 
  6. Approximate feet you will be laminating….so that we can make sure we have enough laminating film on hand. 

Library staff will confirm via e-mail of the date/time for your appointment. At the agreed-upon time, come down to the library.  A staff member will assist with laminating and then measure the result.  Please make sure you don't leave the library without measuring. Library staff will send an email to the Finance department, copying you, listing the amount to be charged. 

Other things to note: 

Laminating something non-rectangular?  We have tips, please get in touch. 

We may be able to accommodate Laminating Emergencies but make no guarantees. If that is your situation, call the library:  312-893-7210