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Style Guide & Resuable Content

A place to find information on our overall style formatting, reusable boxes and pages, and tutorials

Best Practices for Uploading Images

Please upload any images you plan to use on LibGuides to the Image Manager. 

  • Always name your images when you upload them, as this helps alleviate formatting issues especially when uploading images from personal devices.  
  • If you've uploaded an image and find that you need to edit the image and re-upload, you need to name the second image with a new name. Reusing image titles confuses LibGuides, and you'll find that your newly edited image is still the old unedited image. 
    • For example, you might upload a png file of ASC's study groups for the semesters called "Spring 2021 study groups." A change is made to the schedule and you need to upload a new version. Name it "Spring 2021 study groups 2", otherwise the newly uploaded image will still look exactly like the original. 
  • When choosing the size of images/videos, be aware the main column of each page is between 800-1000px depending on the content.  
  • Always remember to provide Alt-Text if the image you're embedding is not simply decorative. 


Homepage sliders

The sliding images on the homepage's gallery box have specific dimensions. Please consult the previously used templates in Venngage to ensure any new announcements are the same formatting. 


Adding Images through the Image Manager

The Image Manager is a central place to upload and store images, which you can then reuse throughout LibApps. For example:

  • Images added to Rich Text/HTML content items in LibGuides
  • Images added to LibAnswers FAQs

There are two types of image libraries where you can store images:

  • Your personal library contains images that only you can manage and reuse.
  • The shared library allows admin users to upload images that all users in your LibApps system can reuse.
  1. From your LibApps dashboard, click on the Image Manager link on the command bar.
    • If you are not currently on the LibApps dashboard, you can access it by choosing LibApps from the blue Spring To menu on any app's command bar.
  2. Make sure you have selected the correct library before adding any image.
  3. Navigate to the folder where you want the image to be stored.
    1. Or, use the Create New Folder field to add a new folder for your image.
  4. Click on the Upload New Image button.
  5. Select the image from your computer to upload it.
    • Only one image can be uploaded at a time.
    • Supported formats include JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and ICO up to 5MB in size.

Search Widgets


Google Scholar logo  


As a general practice, we do not update any content on the ASC site unless contacted to do so. 

ASC tutors come and go frequently. Retain any tutor photo and bio in the corresponding ASC website folder on the shared drive, so that if a tutor leave for a semester and comes back you can simply add back the photo and bio.

Please find the below info and example for the "Meet the Tutors" page: 

  1. Photo settings: width = 25%, height = blank, alignment = left, HSpace = 10. 
  2. Prompts are in bold. 
  3. Make sure to space out the profiles. (typically 3 blank lines in between each profile)
  4. Profiles are alphabetical by first name.
  5. Do not delete photo or bio, keep in image manager and in files. 


Cristina Gonzalez del Riego

Master of Science in Child Development with Infancy and Administration Specialization,   2016
Favorite class at Erikson: Human Development 1 
Favorite theorist and course reading: Alicia Lieberman, and “Ghosts in the Nursery” and “Angels in the Nursery” 
Fun fact: As an undergrad, the thought of doing research made me grimace, but now I work in it and love it.