Service Alert
"Assistive technology" (AT) is a general term for the various tools that help people use electronic devices with greater ease.
There are AT tools that
AT helps people with physical challenges to have equal access to computers, mobile devices and other technology, and it also provides a way for everyone to use technology in ways that match their own particular learning styles.
All of the computers for student, staff and faculty use at Erikson have a variety of AT features, which are detailed below.
Most of the computers at Erikson are PCs with Windows operating systems. In addition to the workstations in the Library and the Computer Lab, the Library has PC laptops which may be checked out. Windows AT features are called Ease of Access tools. They include:
If you have a Mac/iOs device, the AT features that are standard for these machines include:
The Library has a Surface Pro (Windows) available for checkout. The AT features on this device AND iPads include the following: