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Why Take Notes?Taking quality notes allows you to process and integrate new knowledge, record the information in your own words, and reorganize content in a way that makes sense for your learning style. |
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Before Class PreparationReading the course-assigned content before class gives you insight into what upcoming lessons may cover. Reading and taking notes on the assigned content can aid you in having meaningful conversations in synchronous class time or asynchronous online discussions. Tips:
In-Class Note TakingDuring class, taking notes helps you better understand main concepts, can help to improve listening skills, and improve recollection of what you are being taught. Tips:
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After-Class Note ReviewReviewing your notes after class provides you with personalized study materials that can allow you to reconnect with the course goals and objectives. Tips:
Note-Taking Software and TemplatesWidely used templates can help you organize your notes such as:
Use digital applications to take notes using a computer: